Tuesday 19 December 2017

*Me watching my season one Columbo DVDs and deciding why, overall, I think Columbo was perhaps a better, smarter, sharper detective than Sherlock Holmes.*







Columbo was a genius. But he left his ego at the door.  He acted like a silly, shoddy, bedraggled, working class, bumbling fool cop. That was how he caught and lured suspects. He pretended to be Lestrade, basically.

Sherlock was a genius, too. But he had to always let everyone know from the get-go: “Yes, I am a genius! And aren’t you impressed by that fact and my reputation!?!”

Columbo was always smart and canny enough to know that you don’t always let your intelligence on. 

Sherlock might have been too upper middle-class, snobbish and arrogant for such methods. 

Another difference between the two is that Sherlock doesn’t know who the killer is and spends a large portion of the show looking for puzzle pieces or information in order to figure out who did it.

Columbo starts out most episodes knowing who the killer is and spends the rest of the time trying to trick them into revealing how they did it. By acting like an idiot and playing off their ego.

Its hilarious because if Sherlock ever killed anyone the only person who would ever be able to prove anything would be Columbo because Sherlock would not be able to stand how incompetent Columbo is and just get so angry he’d confess to set the record straight.

I actually think there is an episode of Columbo where a super intelligent and ego driven man kills someone and Columbo just fucks around making wild conjecture and saying how stupid the murderer is and then the guy fucking looses it at the end of the episode.

He’s like: NO you stupid little man it was done like this, it had to be because of *insert evidence here*!
Columbo: ah, but only the murderer would know about *insert evidence here*
Killer: *gasp*
Columbo: *says something about it was pleasure meeting such a smart man* Take him away, boys
The police spring from the curtains

This feels like the crime TV equivalent of Batman vs.Superman.

But I agree: Columbo would use Sherlock’s arrogance against him.

As a Sherlock (original character) fan,… I completely agree.

In the second episode of Columbo, he is interviewing the husband of the murder victim. You can tell that Columbo doesn’t suspect him, he’s just asking him questions, trying to get more information on the man’s dead wife. The real killer comes in a moment later, he knows the husband, he says a few things to the husband and then Columbo just starts talking about palm reading and telling the future.

The real killer looks at him like he’s a complete moron. The husband looks at Columbo totally baffled, he has no idea what is going on. The killer leaves and Columbo is right back to talking to the husband intelligently. That is the moment you see Columbo figure out who the killer is and the approach he’s going to take to ensnare him. It was artful.  

Sherlock needs clues to find the murderer.

Columbo can just sniff out murderers, On instinct. Like a doberman.


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